Düsseldorf, October 15, 2021
RellermeyerPartner advises on PSD2 as part of a public consultation procedure at EU level by the European Banking Authority (EBA)
The EBA has conducted a public consultation process from July to October 2021 on draft guidelines on the revised Payment Services Directive (DIRECTIVE (EU) 2015/2366 of 25/11/2015 – Payment Service Directive 2) in order to provide clarity on the application of the area exemption requirements set out in PSD2 from which certain payment instruments may benefit. Privileged payment instruments can be, for example, fuel cards, loyalty cards or public transport cards. We advised the association of brand-independent fuel card providers (UNITI Bundesverband mittelständischer Mineralölunternehmen e.V.) and three major fuel card companies on the preparation of a joint statement with the former MWV Mineralölwirtschaftsverband e.V., now Wirtschaftsverband Fuels und Energie e.V. “en2x”. The statement submitted to the EBA on 15.10.2021 can be found hier.