Dr. Stefan Gröblinghoff
Licensed specialist attorney for commercial and corporate law
Phone 0211 72507-0
Fax 0211 72507-77
Since 2001: Attorney-at-law at rellermeyer■
1997-2001: Attorney-at-law in two leading commercial law firms in the Ruhr area
Admitted to the bar in 1997
1995: Doctorate (Dr. jur.) at the University of Freiburg
1992-1996: Associate at the Institute for Criminology and Economic Criminal Law at the University of Freiburg (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Klaus Tiedemann)
Law studies at the Universities of Saarland, Lausanne, and Freiburg
Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit e.V. (German Arbitration Institute)
Deutscher Anwaltverein (German Bar Association)
“Die Verpflichtung des deutschen Strafgesetzgebers zum Schutz der Interessen der Europäischen Gemeinschaften” (Diss.), published in vol. 24 of “Schriften zum gesamten Wirtschaftsstrafrecht”
“Keine Ewigkeitsgeltung der Rechtsprechungsregeln zum Eigenkapitalersatz” (with K. Rellermeyer), ZIP 2009, 1933 ff.
“Auslegung einer sog. “harten” Bilanzgarantie”, Annotation on the judgement of the Higher Regional Court dated 07.05.2015 – 26 U 35/12 jurisPR-BKR 6/2016
As in previous years, “frequently recommended lawyer” according to JUVE Handbook of Commercial Law Firms 2024/2025 (“extremely competent” in competitor corporate law) (see JUVE)
Advising the shareholders on the sale of Kontur Werkzeugstahl GmbH to ArcelorMittal
Conducting a corporate arbitration lawsuit according to the regulations of the DIS with an object value in the mid three-digit million range
Representation of a family-run group of companies in a liability lawsuit against an auditing company in the three-digit million range
Representation of a seller in legal proceedings for liability in the three-digit million range after the sale of a group of companies
Advising the DKV EURO SERVICE GmbH + Co KG on the joint venture with Innogy in the field of electromobility (see JUVE Deal of the Month 02/2019)
Advising the listed Thai PCS Group on the acquisition of automotive supplier Küpper (see also JUVE)
Advising Robert Tönnies on reaching an agreement with Clemens Tönnies and the restructuring of the corporate group (see also JUVE)
Sale of the Schoko-Dragee GmbH to Brandt Zwieback (see also JUVE)
Sale of the Tectum Group to Quadriga Capital (see also JUVE)
Sale of shares of Innotec ISS to GLB (see also JUVE)
Arbitrator in the proceedings of a German cosmetics distributor against a French manufacturer in Geneva according to the ICC Rules
Dr. Stefan Gröblinghoff
Licensed specialist attorney for commercial and corporate law
Phone 0211 72507-0
Fax 0211 72507-77
Since 2001: Attorney-at-law at rellermeyer■
1997-2001: Attorney-at-law in two leading commercial law firms in the Ruhr area
Admitted to the bar in 1997
Doctorate (Dr. jur.) at the University of Freiburg
1992-1996: Associate at the Institute for Criminology and Economic Criminal Law at the University of Freiburg (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Klaus Tiedemann)
Law studies at the Universities of Saarland, Lausanne, and Freiburg
Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit e.V. (German Arbitration Institute)
Deutscher Anwaltverein (German Bar Association)
“Die Verpflichtung des deutschen Strafgesetzgebers zum Schutz der Interessen der Europäischen Gemeinschaften” (Diss.), published in vol. 24 of “Schriften zum gesamten Wirtschaftsstrafrecht”
“Keine Ewigkeitsgeltung der Rechtsprechungsregeln zum Eigenkapitalersatz” (with K. Rellermeyer), ZIP 2009, 1933 ff.
“Auslegung einer sog. “harten” Bilanzgarantie”, Annotation on the judgement of the Higher Regional Court dated 07.05.2015 – 26 U 35/12 jurisPR-BKR 6/2016
As in previous years, “frequently recommended lawyer” according to JUVE Handbook of Commercial Law Firms 2024/2025 (“extremely competent” in competitor corporate law) (see JUVE)
Advising the shareholders on the sale of Kontur Werkzeugstahl GmbH to ArcelorMittal
Conducting a corporate arbitration lawsuit according to the regulations of the DIS with an object value in the mid three-digit million range
Representation of a family-run group of companies in a liability lawsuit against an auditing company in the three-digit million range
Representation of a seller in legal proceedings for liability in the three-digit million range after the sale of a group of companies
Advising the DKV EURO SERVICE GmbH + Co KG on the joint venture with Innogy in the field of electromobility (see JUVE Deal of the Month 02/2019)
Advising the listed Thai PCS Group on the acquisition of automotive supplier Küpper (see also JUVE)
Advising Robert Tönnies on reaching an agreement with Clemens Tönnies and the restructuring of the corporate group (see also JUVE)
Sale of the Schoko-Dragee GmbH to Brandt Zwieback (see also JUVE)
Sale of the Tectum Group to Quadriga Capital (see also JUVE)
Sale of shares of Innotec ISS to GLB (see also JUVE)
Arbitrator in the proceedings of a German cosmetics distributor against a French manufacturer in Geneva according to the ICC Rules